Scalp Mode is designed for high-frequency trading, allowing users to quickly buy and sell tokens to capitalize on price movements
General info
During monitoring, bot will show you this log:
0.5000 -> 176.8821 | 1(0.00%) 5(0.00%) 15(0.00%) | 562.3191M
0.5000 -> 176.8821
- How much tokens you will get for your buy amount
1(0.00%) 5(0.00%) 15(0.00%)
- Price change in 1/5/15 minutes
- Current market cap
to proceed buy once you are readyYou can use strategy or hotkeys to sell position
You can put CA and bot will autopick pool
For fast sniping, check dedicated section.
You can run only one platform in one worker (line)
Use cases
You can find all settings via search bar in preset section
Last updated