In order to get access to dashboard you need to login via discord (that you used to bind) on https://dashboard.blood-solutions.com/login. Once you logged in you will see next sections:
User Information
Information about status of you license and all guide links.
Select your machine platform and click on needed software to download.
Blood Infrastructure Status
Here you can find status of both general and our own SOL nodes and see if they are synced.
Billing Information
Setup your billing information in order to do any payment to extend your license.
You MUST fill this information, otherwise you won't be able to renew or freeze your license!
License Information
Information about your key.
Renewal Information
Here you can find current Renewal / Freeze price and dates (DD/MM/YYYY format). Also you can see action buttons with all possible ways to extend license.
Renewal Rules:
You can extend your license via dashboard ONLY at first 3 days of each month.
Freeze ALSO applied for 1 month, means at the start of next month you MUST either refreeze it or renew.
You can unfreeze your license any time during the month, price is calculated by following formula:
UnfreezePrice = RenewalPrice - FreezePrice
If you missed 3 days renewal window - you STILL have ability to extend license in next 3 days, but you MUST do it via ticket on our discord server and also will be applied
Late Renewal Fee
.If you missed both renewal periods (regular + late) - your NFT pass will be burned and you won't be able to restore access.
If you have any IRL issues which might cause missing all renewal periods - please let us know BEFORE or DURING renewal period.
Active Sessions
Manage your current sessions, simply click on Bin
to reset your IP.
Last updated